Sitges Tourism

“Platets” so you don't have to give up having fun

Perquè s’ha de trobar l’equilibri i perquè respectar les mesures de seguretat no ha de ser pas un obstacle per a tenir un moment de respir, el Gremi d’Hostaleria de Sitges, amb el suport de Turisme de Sitges, proposa un recorregut pels bars i restaurants de la localitat. De Tapa a Platet és l’excusa per a tornar a gaudir dels sabors de Sitges.

Twenty different bars and restaurants have responded to the Gremi d’Hostaleria de Sitges call to once again become what their establishments have always been: a place to take a break from your worries and, while being fully responsible, enjoy the simple pleasures of plates, glasses, drinks and feeling a little closer to others, despite the circumstances. The organizers are very clear about this, the main priority are the safety measures to curb the spread of Covid19, but beyond that, there is still enough room to delight our palates and adapt to the new conditions.


The proposal recaptures the spirit of the now traditional Tapa a Tapa (which would have reached its tenth edition) and adapts it to the current situation. Replacing the call to occupy counters and savor two-bite delicacies with friends, with a more familiar formula, through "platets" (small dishes to share... or not!) that are served at tables and that invite a more relaxed experience. The result is De Tapa a Platet (From Tapa to Platet). From March 11th to 28th, the twenty restaurants participating in this initiative will offer one of their "platillos" with one of their specialties (the equivalent of a half-portion) and a drink for 5€. “We're convinced that people are looking forward to going out”, explains Zuleima Capo, a Gremi representative, “and we want to keep kitchens busy; but we also want everyone to feel safe and to see that taking care of ourselves is compatible with having a good time.”


Some of the participants in this proposal are reopening their doors, precisely to make sure they don't miss out on this event that is a representative journey through Sitgetan cuisine “and that is something to be thankful for”, as Capo points out. This activity becomes an opportunity to indulge, for example, in the small pleasure of one of the town's typical appetizers or a more or less informal meal, without having to forego safety. The Sitges catering sector wants to demonstrate that enjoying restaurants and bars again isn't incompatible with responsibility, and that's why they ensure a conscientious compliance with the special measures regarding distances, hygiene and seating capacity. That's why they encourage and invite this meeting of residents with the local catering industry to show that, with everyone's commitment, we still have leeway to recover the places where we've gathered memories, pleasures, longings and flavors, the flavors of our cuisines. 

Where can you enjoy From Tapa to Platet?



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