Sitges Tourism

The noise ordinance comes into force to regulate the use of fireworks in Sitges

The modified noise ordinance contemplates the use of fireworks, mainly for popular and traditional festivals.

The partial modification of the noise and vibration ordinance entered into force on May 2 after the approval of the Plenary of the City Council in the month of February and that neither the Generalitat nor the sub-delegation of the Government have positioned themselves against it. The modification refers especially to the high sound impact and the incidence that it generates for groups with high hearing sensitivity and for companion animals.

The modified ordinance contemplates the use of fireworks only for traditional festivals and popular activities promoted by the Sitges City Council, only by persons or entities and spaces previously designated by the City Council.

The general public and specialized companies may carry out fireworks or use firecrackers only if they produce light effects or without acoustic incidence, and in any case, without a detonating mixture (whistlers, snorers, pills, thunder” or similar are not allowed). Exceptionally, once a year pyrotechnic shows may be carried out when they are carried out by a specialized company and with accredited experts as long as it is an activity of special municipal relevance. In addition, for the Feast of San Juan, the general public may use fireworks and firecrackers on June 23 and 24, taking into account that they must be carried out at least 100 meters away from healthcare buildings, gas stations , veterinary hospitals, dog beaches and recreational spaces for dogs.

Sitges City Council will notify the public in general about events that contemplate the use of fireworks through social networks and in particular to affected groups, such as people who suffer from acoustic sensitivity, how can it be autism, and the registered dog owners.

People who want to receive this information should contact the Department of Public Health (telephone 93 93 810 91 00 / e-mail and the Civil Rights Inclusion Service (telephone 93 811 31 80 / e-mail You can also request to receive the information through a generic request addressed to the Public Health Service or the Civil Rights Service. In all cases it will be necessary, either to have the dog registered or to present a certificate of disability or medical report.

The traditional acts and events that have fireworks will be specifically indicated with an icon in the programs of each festivity and in the City Council web agenda.

The Technical Study Commission, made up of different municipal departments, has been in charge of drafting the text and considering the contributions received in the prior public consultation open to the public. Associations that work in the animal, elderly, mental health, traditions, and festival sectors have also participated with their contributions. The modification is included in article 18, previously dedicated to fireworks shows and now entitled Use of pyrotechnic products.

  • Ordenança soroll



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