European Heritage Days
Once again, the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage promotes the European Heritage Days (JEP), an initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission that has been held continuously in Catalonia since 1991 and is considered the most participatory activity important in Europe in relation to cultural heritage.
Throughout all these years, the European Heritage Days have allowed us to learn about the richness and diversity of cultural heritage thanks to the collaboration of hundreds of municipalities, museums, monuments, associations and cultural entities from all over the territory that year after year have opened the doors of their home to bring their cultural heritage closer to the public.
The motto of this year's edition, proposed by the Council of Europe, is "Living Heritage", referring to the practices, knowledge and skills that are passed down from generation to generation, and that are currently being maintained.
The motto "Living Heritage" aims to give the institutions, entities and associations that participate in the European Heritage Days the opportunity to organize activities that allow us to look more closely at the work carried out by the guardians of our heritage.
Thursday 12 October, 12 noon
Family workshop
Saturday 14th October
Guided tour "Una mirada feminista al Museu de Maricel".
Saturday 14 October
Guided visit to the exhibition "Els museus creixen".
Sunday, 15th October
Open Doors Day