Balmins Beach

The Balmins beach has a prime location between the Port d’Aiguadolç and the old town. Although it is urban, it has a natural environment which comprises its three small inlets with views of Sitges’ most photographic skyline. Balmins, which is a nudist beach, is an example of what Sitges represents: an open and fun beach, full of colour, where everyone is welcome, and an air of freedom difficult to find anywhere else.
See what awaits you...
Surface: 2.440 m2
Length: 240 m
Limits: East: cliffs and Port d’Aiguadolç
West: Punta de les Mabres

Signage: Beach marked out at 200 m.
Bathing flag.
Information panel for facilities on this beach.
Signs prohibiting dogs.
ISO 14001, EMAS emblem, Blue Flag and Biosphere Certificate.
Bathing flag.
Information panel for facilities on this beach.
Signs prohibiting dogs.
ISO 14001, EMAS emblem, Blue Flag and Biosphere Certificate.

First-aid points: An emergency response chair. A “Sitges Tower” type emergency response point. Rescue calendar: From 24 June to 1 July and from 1 to 6 September, 10, 11, 17, 18 September and from 23 to 25 September from 11:00 to 18:00. From 2 July to 31 August, from 11:00 to 19:00.

Access to the beach: C-32 motorway, ‘Sitges Centre’ exit. Road C-31. Road B-211, which connects with Vilafranca del Penedès.

Buses: BusGarraf company, Barcelona-Sitges line via C-32 motorway (Can Robert area stop). Urban bus. (Stop 100 m from the beach).

RENFE (national rail network): Station 800 m away.

Parking: Free.

WC: An adapted cubicle.

Showers: On a card-based system. Three standard showers and one adapted shower.

Walkways for disabled people: Yes.
Social networks

Fernando28 July 2020Hola. Querría visitar cala Balmins en los proximos días. Mi duda es si la mascarilla es obligatoria en la zona de arena incluso manteniendo la distancia de seguridad. Y el servicio de chiringuito y tumbonas està disponible?? Gracias
Webmaster24 July 2020Bon dia,
Referent al servei de dutxes de les platges de Sitges han estat fora de servei durant les darreres setmanes per qüestions preventives.
Tot i així esperem que tornaran a funcionar amb normalitat properament, s'informarà de la situació a través de les webs i xarxes oficials de l'Ajuntament i del departament de turisme.
Salutacions, -
Manel23 July 2020Bones, el diumenge passat vam estar a la platja del Balmins, que ens agrada molt i que normalment freqüentem (tot i viure a 140 km de Sitges). La nostra sorpresa va ser veure que les dutxes han desaparegut.
Ens podrieu informar de la raó d'aquest fet?
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