Ten reasons (at least) to come to Sitges in 2020
You are just starting to read the first post in the SitgesAnyTime portal’s new blog. Hang on, hang on, don't go, keep reading... You can even have a good time with us. Really, you’ll see, you’ll actually end up recommending us ;) So let’s continue?
Having reached this point (second paragraph, an insuperable bar for many blogs, let’s face it), we are going to ‘tease’ you a little. Yep, because in Sitges, we have an agenda for this 2020 that deserves you: there’s a bit of everything and lots of interest in having a good time and doing it together. We’re always out and about in Sitges and we love visitors.
We’ll kick off this Decalogue of things not to be missed in Sitges with that explosion of color, fun and diversity that is the Sitges Carnival, which begins on February 20th (and watch out, it lasts six days!). We’ll explain it to you in more detail in the next post, but you shouldn’t miss out on some of the 'lesser known' and 'more alternative' events, such as the 'Bed Race' or the ‘Debauchery Parade’ or the ‘Extermination Parade’ (you know it, we have no middle ground).
The Carnival King will take the cold weather with him and the late winter sun will move in little by little (yes, the one that warms us just enough and that you smile at straight on with your eyes closed) so that on March 21st and 22nd, Sitges will be the stage for the Barcelona - Sitges International Vintage Car Rally, a true 'vintage' parade on wheels.
And from the measured noise of engines to that enveloping caress which is live jazz music. Save the dates: April 16th to 19th, the Sitges Old-Time Jazz Festival. And from the pervasive rhythm of New Orleans to the most authentic covers and the most entertaining parties on the sand with the Sitges Gay Pride, which will unfold its rainbow open to @ll from June 3rd to 7th.
The colors won’t be fading in Sitges a week later, although red is the ‘star’ with the spectacular floral carpets that the locals will assemble on June 14th in the streets of the old town. You’ve never come to Corpus Christi? My God! ;)
Are you feeling the heat? We’ve already slipped into summer. And there’s no summer without its ‘Festa Major’, the main annual street party. And there is no Festa Major in Sitges without ‘Giants’, dancing, music and a fireworks display down on La Fragata Beach that reminds us of why summer is ‘Mediterraneanly’ wonderful.
The end of the summer will supersize King Kong’s silhouette... From October 8th to 18th the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is back. You say you’re not into locking yourself up in a movie theater? Well come on then, go hit the streets and participate (or run for your life) at the Sitges Zombie Walk.
And who said that October was a harsh month? Apart from being scared at the movies, during the second half you can pleasure your palate with the Grape Harvest Festival and Mostra de Vins Wine Fair. And to say goodbye to October we go for the color green and Irish culture with Sitges Live Creative Connexions: parades, exhibitions, concerts, gastronomy... Catalonia and Ireland come together (and have fun) here. And they’re counting on you.
And even if it seems far away to you, Christmas will also be back. And although it isn’t white here (or almost never is), and it’s not very cold (or almost never is), we DO have some street markets that are very... ‘ho, ho, ho’!
And that brings us to the end of our Decalogue of some of the events not to be missed in Sitges in 2020. There are actually many more that we will be explaining to you throughout the year. In any event, thanks for your time and nice to meet you. Let’s read each other, if you want, next week, alright?
