Turisme Sitges

Le premier week-end de Santa Tecla se termine avec une grande participation

La Nuit de la Pubillatge a proclamé Noa Vidal comme nouvelle Pubilla de Sitges et Xavier Molina comme nouveau Hereu, succédant à Vinyet Granda et Oleguer Arola

The first weekend of Santa Tecla concluded with great participation in all the scheduled events, especially during the Nit de Foc and the parades and exhibitions of the gigantons, cabezudos, bestiary, and children's white dances. Specifically, the exhibition "From the Garage to the Street," which has been open since Friday at the Mercat Vell, offered a showcase of these homemade creations or those made for children.


That same Friday, the Nit del Pubillatge (Night of Pubillatge) proclaimed Noa Vidal, from the Penya Barcelonista, as Pubilla of Sitges, and Xavier Molina, from the Agrupació de Balls Populars, as Hereu of Sitges. Both succeed Vinyet Granda and Oleguer Arola.


The Nit de Foc filled the streets with pyrotechnics on Saturday, featuring the three local groups of Ball de Diables, the Àliga, and the Espetegafoc group, along with five guest groups. On Sunday morning, it was the turn of the gigantons, cabezudos, and children's dances, in a parade that connected the Town Hall square with La Fragata, where the white dances were exhibited. Sunday afternoon was once again dedicated to fire, with a parade from the Domènech Bridge to La Fragata featuring the three children's devil groups, along with children's bestiary. All three devil groups—the Colla Jove, the Agrupació group, and the Colla Vella—performed the spoken dance on stage and finally held a joint fire display to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the children's devil dance of Colla Jove and the Agrupació, and the 24th anniversary of the same children's dance of Colla Vella. The Town Hall's Flickr channel offers several photo albums that can be freely downloaded, with images from each event.


Throughout this week, several events will take place, but on Friday at 8:30 p.m., the Transfer of the image of Santa Tecla will take place, in which the parish priest will hand over the image of the saint to the Commission, who will carry it to Jesús Street, 6, where the flag-bearer, Rosa Hernández Matas, will receive it, and it will remain on display there.


On the eve of Santa Tecla, on September 22, the lighting of the 21 morterets and the ringing of bells at 2:00 p.m. will announce to everyone that Sitges is celebrating its Festa Major. This year, the group of the Montornès giants will be in charge of firing the morterets, in homage to the 50th anniversary of these giants.


The Civic Procession will depart at 7:00 p.m. from Jesús Street, 6, to collect the image of Santa Tecla and return it to the parish. In the evening, there will be fireworks, a sardana party, and concerts on the Ribera Promenade.

Monday, September 23, is the day of Santa Tecla, and it will begin with the children's Matinal (morning parade), which will take place along three routes that will converge at La Fragata. The Matinal de Foc (Morning of Fire) will start at 6:30 a.m. with the three children's devil groups and other beasts, departing from the Davallada. The large Matinal will make its first stops on Bernat de Fonollar Street at 7:00 a.m., with dances performed by the older children, while the small Matinal will begin at 8:00 a.m. from the Town Hall square with the youngest children.


Santa Tecla will hold its mass at 11:00 a.m., with an offering by the group of Montornès giants, followed by the Exit from the Mass and a casteller (human tower) performance. The Descent of the pillar by the Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges down the steps of La Punta at 6:00 p.m. is another of the day's highlights, which at 7:00 p.m. will continue with the Santa Tecla Procession, the Entry of the saint, the final dance, and concerts.


The Festa Major includes several events where pyrotechnics are used. For this reason, residents and businesses are advised to take precautions to prevent fire damage. Furthermore, just as was done for Sant Bartomeu, the Civic Procession will include a calm section, marked and designated for individuals with high sound sensitivity. For Santa Tecla, this section will be located on Sant Isidre Street, where the groups will reduce both noise and fire. In addition, the event program, which can be consulted at www.sitgesfestamajor.cat, specifically indicates which events contain pyrotechnics, so that individuals with high sound sensitivity or those with pets can take appropriate measures. The webpage www.sitges.cat/serveis/pirotecnia provides information on the Santa Tecla events with pyrotechnics and other Sitges festivities where fire is used.

  • Moixiganga infantil
