Sitges Tourism

Yes, to Sitges

We’re getting closer. One day more, one day less: our being together again is near. The residents of Sitges have already started to walk our streets again, even though on a limited basis and respecting social distancing. But life is begging to make its way through and move on. Optimism wants to find its place again. Patience, yes. But really looking forward to it. LOOKING FORWARD TO YOU, in capital letters. To you coming. To saying yes again. Yes, to Sitges.

You’ll see that this is going to be our shout for joy, our resounding breeze: Yes, to Sitges. In fact, we’ve even written a manifesto. But it shouldn't sound like something serious to you. It should sound like summer, the Mediterranean, light and white and blue, breeze and leisurely walks. Like sand and sun, good food, cobblestone streets and salt water. Yes, to everything. Yes, to Sitges:



A word we’ve heard a lot this year.

A necessary no that has been a part of our everyday life.

Of our loved ones. Of our habits.

Of the way of we work and interact.

A no that, on the other hand, has made us look forward more than

ever to saying yes.

To saying yes to being more supportive. To saying yes to sharing, to giving


To collaborating.

A yes, to not stop thinking about what makes us happy.

To not giving up anything.

A yes to continuing to dream.

Yes, in Sitges.


Alright, so now you’ve read it, seen it and heard it. As if it were a wedding, you already have our yes. But we’re missing yours. And once you give it to us, wedding and... honeymoon! You can imagine where we’re going to spend it, right? Bet you weren’t expecting that, were you...? Sorry, blame it on the lockdown, you know how that is...


In any event, we’re not going to leave this marital parallelism just yet, because it works well for us. Kiran Desai, a fantastic writer, defined the sensation that lovers share in a very visual way in her book ‘The Inheritance of Loss’: “New love makes sightseers out of couples even in their own town”. And that’s the feeling we want you to experience in Sitges, whether it’s your first visit or the one that brings you up to a thousand. For you to 'rediscover' the emotions of being here. Of seeing, hearing and feeling Sitges.


John Paul Young already sang about it, unaware at the time of how a virus was going to 'reset' our concept of happiness: 'Love is in the air, everywhere I look around'. And in Sitges, we have more than enough air and more than enough love to go around. Come on, just say yeeeeeeees!



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