Sitges Tourism

Shopping in Sitges... and at night

Summer nights are always special. Temperatures become milder, our urge to go out and socialize increases and, of course, our dopamine gets activated. And to make the combination even better, in Sitges, on July 30th, we'll be opening our stores at night. And not only that, but we’ll be also doing it hand in hand with Alice and her Wonderland...

Sitges Comerç, an organization that represents local businesses and services, has decided to revive the Sitges Shopping Night. So save the date: July 30th. That day, starting at six in the evening -a Batucada will officiate as the opening event at Cap de la Vila Square-, the streets of Sitges will have a different color, a different rhythm. A different magic. And the magic will last until 12 midnight, as more than 40 of Sitges' stores that have joined this initiative will be open until that time.


‘Magic’ may sound a little pretentious or overstated. But you already know that we always justify our adjectives. And the magical reason is that the universe that Tim Burton projected in his film 'Alice in Wonderland' is the thematic focus of this year's Sitges Shopping Night. The stores will be dressed up for the occasion -you'll recognize them right away, you'll see- and four of the main characters will be located at strategic points around town: next to the Town Hall and on Sant Francesc, Jesús and Parellades streets. These four characters will brighten up the night for locals and visitors alike. Why? Well, because those who have obtained 4 'Four of hearts' cards -each one can be obtained for a 15 euro purchase at participating establishments- can give them to these characters from Alice's world, who in return will present them with a magical envelope... What could there be inside? Well, here's a spoiler: 10 checks for 100 euros each to spend at the stores represented by Sitges Comerç, dinners at restaurants in Sitges, visits to the Malvasia Interpretation Center (CIM), exclusive discounts…


One of the magicians behind this Sitges Shopping Night is Jesús Carballo, manager of Sitges Comerç, who explains that organizing it "is designed so that all customers can enjoy a unique and completely different shopping experience, even at night". Jesús also points out that the experience will be different at each store, "because at some there will be a live DJ, at others you'll be invited to a drink or a tasting... the idea is to make it a very special evening for the locals and everyone visiting us". Added to the special service provided by Sitges stores on this day is their differential value, which we already explained to you in our shopping tour of Sitges. And we repeat: Sitges is always fashionable ;)


So now you know. Nighttime magic on July 30th. As Alice herself said in the original book by Lewis Carroll -who I'm sure would have loved Sitges, by the way: "How queer everything is today! And yesterday things went on as usual. I wonder if I’ve been changed in the night? But if I ’m not the same, the next question is, who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle!"


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