Sitges Tourism

Sant Joan begins to get ready in Poble Sec

The revetlla, the popular dinner and the musical performances will take place in Plaça Catalunya.

The Poble Sec Festivities Commission has already presented the 2024 edition of Sant Joan, with its poster, the work of Ainara Martínez, and a programme of events that begins on 15 June with the popular dinner in Plaça de Catalunya. Those interested in buying a ticket to attend this dinner can do so at Carnicería Mauricio or at Pastelería Calderón, in the same neighbourhood, as soon as it is announced on the organisation's Instagram account, which can be followed at


Sant Joan falls on a Monday (24 June) and has made it easier to gain an extra day of concerts, with a proposal designed for younger audiences. In addition, the celebration maintains all the traditional and popular events for a festival organised by the Poble Sec neighbourhood since 1977.


The following weekend will concentrate the main events, with a children's party on Saturday afternoon and music until the early hours of the morning. On the eve of Saint John's Eve, 23rd June, the ‘12 morterets’ will be held at 2 pm and at 7 pm the ‘Flama del Canigó’ will arrive in Sitges, in Plaça de Catalunya, with the participation of the Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges. This is an act that symbolises the unity of the Catalan language in all the territories where it is spoken. In the evening, music will once again take centre stage at the open-air festival.


On Saint John's Day, 24 June, the Hospital de Sant Joan Baptista will host the religious events and at 12 noon there will be sardanes. The link between the Poble Sec festivities and the Hospital de Sant Joan reaffirms its importance this year, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the creation of the institution of the Hospital de Sant Joan in Sitges. The poster for this year's 2024 festival highlights one of the most iconic elements of the Hospital, its dome. In fact, the Hospital is one of the emblematic facilities of Sitges and specifically of Poble Sec. In a distant 1912, the Hospital opened its facilities in the current location in Poble Sec, in the middle of a Sitges landscape very different from today's and consolidating the transfer from the original headquarters that was where today there is the Maricel de Mar Palace. The current Malvasia vineyard next to the Hospital is the last reminder of a Sitges (and a Poble Sec) that was gradually growing and surrounding the hospital institution. The new modernist building of the Hospital was inaugurated in 1912, the work of the architect Josep Font i Gumà, with an artistic and architectural language that makes it acquire the value of a listed heritage building.

To close the day of Sant Joan, at 10 p.m. there will be the singing of Habaneras with the group Barcanova in the Plaza de Joan Duran i Ferret and at midnight there will be the final fireworks from the Camí de la Fita.


The festival of Sant Joan in Sitges and in Catalonia is closely linked to the use of fireworks. In this regard, it is worth remembering that the municipal ordinance regulating pyrotechnics allows the launching of rockets on 23 and 24 June, but always following the regulations: minimum distance of 100 metres from care buildings, clinics, petrol stations, veterinary services or areas for dogs (authorised beaches, leisure areas for dogs...) and 500 metres from wooded areas.

The programme of events for the festival of Sant Joan in Poble Sec already indicates that the scheduled events with pyrotechnics will be the ‘12 morterets’ on 23 June at 2 p.m. and also the final fireworks on the day of Sant Joan, at midnight (around 11:59 p.m.). Therefore, people with special sensitivity or who have pets will have to take the appropriate measures. You can find out about the regulations regarding the use of fireworks in Sitges throughout the year at  

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