Sitges Tourism

Route 'Picasso and Sitges: a physical and sentimental cartography'

Outdoor route around the places linked to Pablo Picasso and guided visit to the Museums of Sitges.

A physical and intellectual itinerary through the streets of Sitges, following the links with Picasso through different approaches.

On a physical level, Picasso visited Sitges on several occasions, during the change from the 19th to the 20th century, and during the 1930s, both for different reasons. The first time he went there invited by his friend Carles Casagemas, and the second time he was curious to visit Rusiñol's Cau Ferrat, now a public museum.

In this itinerary names such as Picasso, Rusiñol, Utrillo, Casagemas, El Greco, Maricel, Cau Ferrat or the beach of Sant Sebastià are interwoven, based on documents and testimonies that link Sitges with one of the most important artists in the history of art.


Price: 10 €





7 p.m.
Three groups at the same time (in Catalan, Spanish and English)

Cau Ferrat Museum

93 894 03 64

  • Picasso i Sitges


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