Sitges Tourism

Virtual show - Wildest dreams by Daniel Onguene's

Daniel Onguene, more and more seasoned and a master of his technique, returns to the same theme of "Adventure between the ruins", which, in his own words, questions "the causes of the emergence of the informal sector in Africa”.

Against the gray backgrounds of a chaotic world, almost already buried in the past, he illustrates the daily life of these anonymous "heroes", precisely painted in a very figurative way, who, whatever happens, strive to survive through the tiring practice of a multitude of "odd jobs" and leaves one to wonder how they manage to feed themselves or even their family.


There is great empathy in him, which implies affection and respect, and Daniel Onguene's characters remain dignified when they are not dynamic and combative, with bright and acid colors, despite the harshness of times.

A message of inspiration and hope, a message of faith in a future whose technicality is not always ruled out. It is a vision of a world that can be within reach and move from virtuality to reality.


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