Sitges Tourism

Movement coaching: body, horses and freedom

Fundació Miranda's Emotional Development and Movement Coaching with Horses program where we will work on concepts of self-esteem and confidence, stress management and emotional drainage, leadership and verbal and non-verbal communication.

Activity information


Horses are a mirror so that they can read our emotions, intentions and sensations. That is why it is difficult to lie with our body. We will approach the herd with an egalitarian look, not from the ego but from love and respect. We will work on the concept of fair authority and trust, sharing with them our energy and necessary skills to restore balance and reinforce the concept of ecosystem in the group. Thanks to the systemic methodology of Movement Coaching, we will understand the importance of respecting Nature and the systemic order of Horses.




The course is aimed at anyone who has concerns, curiosity and wants to explore their body, overcome blockages and live in well-being and harmony.


Coaches, therapists, psychologists, professionals in the field of alternative therapy, personal development professionals, dancers, actors, movement professionals.


Project teachers: Marco Areddu and Zerayehu Biosca


This activity is carried out in collaboration with Eòlia, Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático.



April 16, 2023

Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Price: €89

  • coscavallsillibertat


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