Sitges Tourism

On a tour of the solar system in the Garraf Park

Taking the Garraf Astronomical Observatory as the centre of the Solar System, we will go and place a scale representation of the main planets in the surrounding area. Moving around, we will become aware of interplanetary space, and of how the sun and the planets look from any other planet. Walking at a rate of one million kilometres at each step, we will also enjoy the magnificent natural environment that the Garraf offers us.

Activity requirements:
Recommended age: from 4 years old

Price: Adults: 6 euros / Children from 6 to 12 years old: 4 euros

It is necessary to book at specifying name and contact telephone number.

The session will be confirmed or cancelled during the previous week, depending on whether the minimum number of participants has been reached.

If bad weather is forecast, the activity will be cancelled (keep an eye on your email!).

Payment will be made in cash (exact amount only) or by Bizum.

No deposit is required at the time of formal booking, but a commitment to attend is requested from the visitors. In the exceptional case of having to notify cancellations or modifications, we ask you to inform us as soon as possible.

Directions to the Observatory here.

More information here.

Organisers: Fuera de Órbita



from 5:45 pm to 7:15 pm

Observatori Astronòmic del Parc del Garraf

651 42 68 72 - 685 23 35 75

  • passejadaagenda
  • Foto observatori Garraf


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