Sitges Tourism

Underwater adventure

Activity with goggles and a snorkel tube to dive in and discover the biodiversity of Sitges' underwater background.

Registrations open
For the day of the oceans we invite you to participate in an activity of discovery of the underwater world: with goggles and snorkel we will dive into the seabed of Sitges to know some of the species of the Mediterranean.
For all ages from 12 years upwards.

Description of the activity
The meeting point will be at 10 a.m. at the CEM (Passeig Marítim, 72, Sitges).


  • 10:00h-10:30 h: Welcome and presentation of the activity: We will provide you with all the material to do the snorkelling activity: wetsuit, snorkel and goggles.
  • 10:30 h-11:30 h: Let's go to the water: Once equipped we will dive to observe the marine biodiversity of the beaches of la Barra, Terramar and les Anquines. You will be accompanied by two environmental educators with knowledge of marine biology.
  • 11:30 h - 12:00 h: What species have we seen: We keep our wetsuits on and comment on everything we have seen during the dive.
  • 12:00 h: End of the activity.

Free activity with previous registration: registration form


More information here.



From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Centre d'Estudis del Mar

93 894 51 54 - 629 220 247

  • sota l'aigua


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