Sitges Tourism

Exhibition: "Todas somos brujas"

La Pregonera 2024

From 20th December 2024 to 19th January 2025

Nia Bragg, winner of the
Concurs d'escultura Pere Jou 2023

"No matter the century, the country or the circumstances. Women with opinions, honest women, independent women, women who cannot be "controlled" are repeatedly labelled as difficult, "witches" and must be silenced, cancelled", writes Nia Bragg. An exhibition of painting, drawing, installation and sculpture that explores the continued exploitation of women's rights as a political tool, the role of social media in so-called "witch burning" and the continued dominance of patriarchy.

Free admission
Opening: 20 December at 7 p.m.
Organised by: Ajuntament de Sitges


Miramar - Centre Cultural

  • Todas somos brujas - NIA BRAGG


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